Felwood Hijinx

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Felwood Hijinx

Post by Leica »

The Cast: Meldred, Ryth, Fabalous, Hitz, Leica

The Plot: Gathering Felwood Plants and General Mischeif

Notable Events:

Lotsa Plants

Me training about 15 Jadefire Run Satyrs on an alliance farmer, getting Mind Controlled, and owning her in about 3 shots. Later she confronted me:

Mage: "Hey You! How you hit me?"

Leica: "No speak Engrish"

Mage: "You use cheats!"

Hitz: "She is Horde"

Mage: "How you hit me"

Me: "Mob Cuntrol"

Mage: "I report you. You fucking Bitch"

Hitz: "You must be the stupidest person ever."


There's more, somone will post screens, was very, very amusing.

Mind Controlling and Crowd Controlling an undead rogue for a good 10-15 minutes, and jumping him off the waterfall down 2 tiers and into Darkshire just far enough that he'd get the darkshire spirit healer, but have to run as a ghost back to felwood to jump back down, or, he'd have to spirit heal.

Meldred has a Fraps, someone needs to tell him how to encode it.

Hopefully much more hijinx in the future!

Post by Meldred »


Post by Toddums »

Bored level 60's causing a ruckus... tsk tsk. Come pl me instead of bothering halfwit teenage foriegners. :hyper:

Post by Tanjasshadow »

aww flocon i grped in redridge at lvl 18 on warsong plz no hit she!

Post by Meldred »

I happened to record this with fraps if anyone wants to see it. Its 80mb if anyone can host it.
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