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Example Application

Posted: December 12th, 2016, 1:31 pm
by Aus
While we do not have a rigid format for applications, I thought it might be helpful to provide a loose baseline so you can see what kind of information we'd like you to include. Here is an example of what we'd consider the bare minimum of information.

Character Name / ilvl / main spec: Ausby 888 Holy Paladin - I am comfortable playing Retribution but have very little experience playing Protection.

Armory Link: ... sby/simple

RL Name + Age: (Totally optional!) Dave, 30

Current raid experience: 5/7M EN 3/3H ToV

Previous raid experience: I've been raiding since Vanilla and have cleared all raid content when it was current with the exception of Warlords of Draenor - I did not raid at all during this expansion.

Can your PC handle a raid environment? Yes, my PC will have no performance issues during a raid.

Why Vis Maior? I'm looking for a serious raid atmosphere with a more casual time commitment. Also I've known you clowns for 12 years.

Other things you might like to include! UI screenshots, WarcraftLogs (particularly relevant for DPS but helpful for anyone), which / how many alts you play, how many specs you can play on your main (and what your gear / artifact traits are like). If your name has a non-standard ASCII character in it please include the Alt code for it so I can find you in-game!