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Posted: April 10th, 2016, 9:27 pm
by Elferia
Hello all! I received an email regarding legion :). My name is Juan and I am 31 year old former Marine and currently work for a fortune 500 as a senior manager. I've played WoW since 2005 and have played and cleared every raid except for Sunwell Plateau (I took a trip to Iraq). I love gaming and making friends "online". I've had too much work and not enough play in the last year and have recently upgraded my PC. I've also reinstalled WoW and now just need to setup some keybinds. I'm married and no kids (DINK). I've tanked, dps'ed, and healed end game content competitively. My favorite role has been healing as a Disc priest. I find it much more exciting to keep little health bars fluxing. That, and having other's lives at the grasp of my mouse feels a bit empowered. Muahahaha... I am pretty mellow, spend too much money, and look forward to having an opportunity to join a revered team of players.