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Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 11:04 am
by Raeus and Ashra
Today whilst talking on the phone, Ashley looked outside our window and said that there was some lady walking around the property trying to look into our cottage. I put the phone down and take a look outside at a 40-something woman walking around our cottage to another window to get a better look. I back around and peer outside with Ashley (who is completely naked) and this women is right there looking in.

We open the door, Ash steps out naked with me and the dog and we question her as to what she thinks she's doing. She says she works for the census and under the constitution has a right to trespass (as she flashes some bullshit ID hanging around her neck). I say there is no such law. She says, "They told me I could." I say, "They tell you a lot of things." Believing there is not much I could do in this situation besides asking her if she really knew what she was doing (painting the front doors of every American with a GPS location within 40yds) and why. She just stared at me, so I said "You can get in your BMW and leave now."

So, not only was she "allowed" to trespass onto private property and assess who lives where and mark it with a GPS location in her handy little device~ but she (regardless if it was inadvertently) also was able to take in my wife's beautiful body. If she was a he, I probably would be in jail right now~ or my dog would be in big trouble =O

Links to speculative information regarding the subject at hand: ... s-marking/
the official census itself is not due to be taken until 2010
So I ask you~ have they come knocking on your door yet? Perhaps they have without your knowledge, because 1) they came at 12 in the afternoon (when most are at work) and 2) don't need to knock on your door (I watched her pull up into our neighbors driveway, just at the tip of it, for several minutes then left after getting what she came for).

Much more to say, but I'll hear from others first.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 11:32 am
by Sixthy
Eh, whatever. Is it retarded that the lady was walking around in your yard peering in windows? Absolutely. Is marking home locations in GPS stupid? Depends on the motive. Does it really matter? No. Is your house other wise invisible if they didn't have it on GPS? No. Is your wife hot naked? Probably.

The means of collecting the information seems a little stupid to me, but the information itself doesn't seem like that big of a deal.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 11:38 am
by Elvy
i love how you continued to emphasize that your wife was naked, all stories need such information. it honestly made me keep reading! i still dont understand what she was doing, "assess who lives where" - is that it? couldn't that be done via internet/phone book/etc?

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 11:57 am
by Xyrm

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 12:16 pm
by Raeus and Ashra
It is their aim to complete this project within the next 90 days. It seems like a rush for such a big undertaking. To me, it seems that this is a prior step before a national emergency/martial law scenario whereas people will be required to do something they may not want to. To have a master list in which you know that within 40 yards is the front door suggests to me that one day someone will come knocking on said door.

The GPS information is readily available on Google Earth (or other such programs), so if it was just to label each house why not take that approach? I am sure it is far less costly and efficient for something as simple as the census requires. It seems like these workers are a first-person witness to actually validate the door for some future incursion. I wouldn't leave something important like that to Google Earth, neither are they.

In regards to what may be considered a (inter)national crisis, just one example is: ... rophe.html
The countries that make up two thirds of the world’s agricultural output are experiencing drought conditions. Whether you watch a video of the drought in China, Australia, Africa, South America, or the US, the scene will be the same: misery, ruined crop, and dying cattle.

During the Great Depression food wasn't as big a problem as one may think since a lot still were self-sufficient (although there were incidents in high population-areas), but today I could count the number of people I know who grow their own food on one hand. Notwithstanding that we're in two perpetual wars, tons of people have 2nd mortgages (slaves to the wage), the government is running amok, we're in a worse economic situation and more. ... orld_peace
In the past months food riots have also been reported in the Philippines, Indonesia, Ethiopia, Egypt, Madagascar, Mauritania, Mozambique, Mexico, China, Burkina, Bangladesh and other parts of India. And army troops have been deployed to deter farmers and rioters from stealing food from the fields and warehouses in Pakistan and Thailand.
Read more: ... EqUrCORr&B
And in response to "Conspiraciez"
"The Athenian lawmaker Solon decreed it a crime for any citizen to shrink from controversy"

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 12:19 pm
by Aus
Maybe she just wanted to check out Ash.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 1:26 pm
by greekrefugee
Yeah, I don't really get why they need to GPS tag front doors exactly. However, the fact that she was on the actual property peering into windows and shit would piss me the fuck off. Thank God our Constitution gives me the right to bear arms. I'm not sure what conclusions you can actually draw from the incident. Did she actually say she was from the Census Bureau? Or just imply it? Also, if she was just GPS painting, why did she have to come onto the property instead of doing it from the street? It's not that I would be outraged that the goverment now knows the exact coordinates of my front door since, well, City Zoning/Town Hall pretty much has that shit already.

The actual Constitutional provision is that the census be conducted every 10 years, only for the purposes of population totals to determine the number of seats in the House. Jefferson pushed the bounds of that, and since then, more and more info has been collected. Many of the complaints/cases have revolved around the issue that the census isn't exhaustive, so the statistical methods used to "fill in the gaps" do not property reflect actual population distribution, minority proportions, etc.

The other big issue is re-identification. Unfortunately, the Census Bureau is only required to make sure that the identities cannot be "reasonably deduced" from the information gathered. Since that doesn't exactly have a good operational definition...yeah. A professor at CMU did a study, I want to say it was in the late-90s, where she got some crazy statistics. Something like 85% of Americans have unique enough demographic characteristics such that their identities could be deduced using only ZIP, DoB and gender. The convergence of three fucking variables.

Hm, now that I started writing about it, I went to find that paper to double check my numbers, and it looks like only an abstract is available, which is weird. The full text for most of their papers is "members only." That's fairly sketchy to not have your paper reviewed by a real journal, or to at least make it available. Anyhow, I don't really have time to look it up but the research group is here: ... tions.html There is also a follow-up from a guy at Stanford here:

Anyway, this is straying. I'm interested what she actually said re: working for the Census Bureau. On the upside, bitch will probably get shot when she tries and snoop around someone's yard in Bridgeport.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 3:00 pm
by Raeus and Ashra
greekrefugee wrote:Did she actually say she was from the Census Bureau? Or just imply it?
I asked who she was, she said something like "I am taking a census" or "from the census" while holding up her ID-necklace that looked kinda like this:

I asked if she was hired by ACORN, and she said "Ya."
ACORN signed on as a national partner with the U.S. Census Bureau in February 2009 to assist with the recruitment of the 1.4 million temporary workers needed to go door-to-door to count every person in the United States — currently believed to be more than 306 million people. But the count doesn’t take place until 2010… This is April 2009.
She said she wasn't breaking the Constitution but, "the head count is the only part of the census that is called for by the Constitution." Marking individual living spaces (as our cottage could be perceived) has nothing to do with head counts.
Also, if she was just GPS painting, why did she have to come onto the property instead of doing it from the street?
Our property has a large house in front, and a cottage shadowed behind it that is visible if you pull in our parking/driveway (which she was). She has most likely been instructed to go to 'disconnected' houses on the same property to evaluate if it is a "living space" (is what she termed it). She also stopped by Ashley's Uncle's area on the other side of the property by the barn and asked him who lived at the house next to them and something about where he lived.

She then pulled into my neighbor's driveway only about 15 feet (but I could still see her openly from my property so she backed up a little to hide behind some conifers). She didn't get out or go up to the house but was within her 40 yards (and they have no extra 'disconnected' structures). She left after about 3-4 minutes and drove away.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 6:09 pm
by Ferox
Was she really even figuring out WHO lives where? or just where exactly each address was located in terms of gps coordinates?

You say she came when the average house would be empty due to work, thus making the "who" unimportant to the project as no one is there to determine the "who." I think its just a little bit of an overreaction (not to the peering in the windows, that is wrong.) However, unless she attempted to gather personal information in combination with the coordinates whats the big deal? It's not like maps no longer work, or that the government wouldn't be able to track someone down without the aid of tagged gps addresses.

If any of this was touched on in replies I apologize, as I didn't read them all.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 7th, 2009, 6:35 pm
by Firby
Do you think that census lady saw you type in your WoW password when she was peaking through your windows? It was hard enough avoiding the china keyloggers, but now we have US government keyloggers? Fuck me.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 8th, 2009, 12:23 pm
by Fabalous
My mom is actually doing Census work as a side job as well as her shit with the school board in FL. So despite the fact its supposed to start in 2010(if that is correct, personally I wouldn't trust wiki) work for it has been well underway for about a month down here. If you want I can ask her about her training and intruding in on people's property. To be quite frank, I wouldn't doubt they have the right to walk on property to scope things out.

Just remember it really isn't your land when then gov't is involved. They need a new highway that goes through your house? Guess who's moving out and getting bottom of the barrel dollar for 'their property?' You can look at it as shitty, but just remember you could be hijacking some boat to feed your family and going home to live in a shack.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 19th, 2009, 5:53 pm
by Metzer
Hopefully, WSHTF, I'll be in Australia. If shit hits the fan, while I'm in Australia, I'm knocking up some New Zealand woman so I can become a citizen there and don't have to return.

Oh, another little tip about asking questions.

You don't ask people if they work for the expected company. You ask if they work for either a made up company or something that isn't congruent.

I work parking enforcement for the university here. So during move-in at the beginning of the semester, we block of parking lots so parents/kids can unload couches. So when someone roles up that doesn't really look like they are moving in, I use to ask "Are you moving in?"....and they always said "uh, yes.".
Of course, they weren't moving in.
Then I started asking the question, "Are you going to the campus Union?" which was close by. Most said "uhh, yes!".
"Sorry, you can't park here then. Go away"

So easy to get around people linguistically. Are you suppose to be here. Always answer yes. Odds are they aren't smart enough to do the above.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: May 19th, 2009, 11:26 pm
by greekrefugee
Fabalous wrote:My mom is actually doing Census work as a side job
Trust me, that's not all she does as a side job.

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: July 13th, 2009, 1:25 pm
by Snowennee
Raeus and Ashra wrote: To have a master list in which you know that within 40 yards is the front door suggests to me that one day someone will come knocking on said door.
They're making a list for the NWO

Re: Has the GPS Census Squad reached your house yet?

Posted: July 16th, 2009, 9:57 am
by Rensy